What Makes this event different?
Solo format, not-for-profit, non-advertising journal calls for accomplished adventurous photographers. Each issue contains and extended portfolio, artist image commentaries and an in-depth interview with the artist.
Image Usage Rights
Copyrights remain with the artist.
Unique, artist-centric journal of fine art photography calls for accomplished, adventurous portfolios for consideration for its upcoming editions. International, all photo genres and techniques are invited, straight to strange, mild to wild. Each solo-format edition contains 11 images, accompanying photo commentaries, and an extended interview with only one artist-photographer. The featured photographer is published online and in print and each issue is promoted widely via email, web, and social media. Dek Unu is not-for-profit, non-advertising, and provides a respectable and respectful opportunity to photo-artists without regard to career stage or pedigree. Overall, we try to maintain issue-to-issue variety and demographic diversity and our jury looks for technical quality, creative concept and continuity, and narrative interest in selecting each month's solo feature. Please visit https://www.dekunumag.com/submit for complete submission details.