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Your Local Newsstand is opening a call for it’s Artiste Zine series. We are interested to publish solo zines for photographers who have a strong body of work or have interesting photography projects they’ll like to share. We welcome all genres of photography: landscapre, portraits, personal, travel, documentary, photojournalism or street photography.

Selected photographers will have their zine exclusively published by us. 

Submissions Guidelines:
- Email us with the header “Open Call”.
- Upload 10 photographs that you feel best represent your body of work.
- Photographs should be in jpeg and 5mb or lesser. Upload it onto file-sharing platforms such as Googledrive, WeTransfer, Hightail.
- You may submit to as much as 30 photographs.

- Include a short statement about the photograph, a title of what your desired zine would be called and a short introduction about yourself. Instagram and website link would be very helpful in the selection process.

- Send them to
- Applicants would need to know how to use Indesign as they will be primarily in-charged of designing their own zine.

- This open call is for photographers who already have photographs that they’d like to be made into a zine. We do not accept work in progress projects.
- Submission closes on 7th September 2018. Selected photographers will be notified in September
IG @yourlocalnewsstand


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