Copyright Policy
You retain all rights and copyright to your submitted photographs.
Image Usage Rights
You grant Decagon Gallery the right to publish your photograph(s), if accepted, into the online "Motion" exhibition, in the printed catalogue, in a short video on our YouTube channel and to promote the exhibition and the gallery. We will never distribute your photographs to anyone without your permission.
Call for Entries from the Decagon Gallery
The gallery is pleased to announce the upcoming photo competition "Motion". Photographers are invited to submit images that capture movement, speed or an instant in time. Our jury committee will chose the photographs to be exhibited online from September 15 through November 15.
**Submission Guidelines:**
**Eligibility:** Open to photographers over 18, worldwide.
**Entry Limit:** Up to 10 images per participant.
**Format:** Digital images only; JPEG or JPG format.
**Resolution:** Minimum 2000 pixels on the longest side.
**Size:** Each file should not exceed 2MB.
Three winning photographs will receive cash prizes, and all accepted photos will be published in this online exhibition.
Please see our website for past exhibitions and winners.
For more information about this opportunity for photographers, please visit the Event Website.